装的品味。 类似表达 i really admire your dress sense. / i admire your taste in dress very much. 11 lisa is a fashion insider. 丽莎是个时尚达人。 语法提要 insider是名词,表示“知情人,业内人士,圈内人”,是inside的衍生词汇。inside可以作形容词或副词,表示“里面的,在内部地”。 12 anna has an eye for fashion. 安娜对时尚有着很好的品味。 词组释义 have an eye for 对……有独到的眼光,对……有鉴赏力 13 lydia used to follow the fashion trend. 莉迪亚过去总是追随时尚潮流。 词组释义 used to do sth过去常常做某事 14 many stars' clothing style has become something of a cult. 许多明星的穿衣风格已经成为了一种时尚。 类似表达 many stars' clothing style has become a kind of fashion. 15 in my opinion, fashion is omnipresent. 我认为,时尚是无处不在的。 类似表达 omnipresent [mn?'preznt] adj. 无所不在的,普遍存在的 16 if you want to keep up with fashion, you will have to spend a lot on clothes. 你如果想赶潮流,就得在衣着上花很多钱。 类似表达 you'll spend a lot of money on clothes if you want to follow the fashion. 17 i wonder when the single-fold eyelid will come into vogue. 我想知道,单眼皮什么时候能够成为一种时尚。 单词释义 vogue [vg] n. 时尚,时髦的事物,流行 adj. 时髦的,流行的 note ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________m.cOmic5.COM