lesson 05 流行时尚 fashion 01 you always look so fashionable. 你总是看起来很时尚。 类似表达 you always look so trendy. / you are always up to the minute. 02 lydia is a stylish lady. 莉迪亚是个非常时尚的女人。 单词释义 stylish [?sta?l] adj. 时髦的,流行的,时尚的,现代风格的 03 the internet slang is popular among the young. 网络语言在年轻人中很流行。 类似表达 the internet slang is fashionable among young people. 04 what is in fashion these days? 现今流行什么? 词组释义 in fashion 流行的 these days 现今,目前 05 preppy chic is very popular among young girls recently. 最近,在年轻女孩儿中很流行学院风。 词组释义 preppy chic 学院风 06 do you know when straight eyebrow came into fashion? 你知道一字眉是什么时候开始流行的吗? 类似表达 do you know when korean straight eyebrow came in? / do you know when korean straight eyebrow were in? 07 variety shows are quite popular in this year. 今年特别流行综艺节目。 词组释义 variety show 综艺节目,杂耍表演 08 eric is very fashion-conscious. 艾瑞克很赶时髦。 类似表达 eric often follows the fashion. / eric is very fashionable. 09 i often look through the latest fashion magazines in my free time. 空闲时间我经常浏览最新的时尚杂志。 词组释义 look through 浏览,翻阅,透过……看 free time 空闲时间,闲暇时间 10 i really appreciate your taste in clothes. 我非常欣赏你着M.CoMiC5.com