lesson 03 行为习惯 habits 01 they live very economically. 他们生活的很节俭。 语法提要 economically是形容词economic“经济学”的衍生词汇,作副词表示“节约地,节省地,经济地”。 02 i go jogging for half an hour every morning. 我每天早上都慢跑半个小时。 词组释义 go jogging 慢跑 03 mike plays basketball with his friends every weekend. 迈克每周末都会跟朋友们一起去打篮球。 类似表达 every weekend, mike goes out to play basketball with his friends. 04 anna runs every morning to keep in shape. 安娜为了保持身材,每天早上跑步。 词组释义 keep in shape 保持身材,保持健康 05 we go swimming every day in summer. 在夏天,我们每天都去游泳。 类似表达 in summer, we go swimming every day. 06 my grandma goes for a walk after supper every day. 我的奶奶每天晚饭过后去散步。 词组释义 go for a walk 出去散步,溜达 07 eric and his wife lead an extravagant life. 艾瑞克和他的妻子过着奢华的生活。 单词释义 extravagant [?k?str?v?g?nt] adj. 奢侈的,浪费的,放肆的,过度的,过分的 08 i walk to the office every day. 我每天走路去上班。 类似表达 i walk to work every day. / i go to work on foot every day. 09 lydia does yoga twice a week. 莉迪亚每周做两次瑜伽。 词组释义 twice a week 一周两次 10 jane usually gets up at half past six in the morning. 简早上通常六点半起床。 类似表达 jane usually gets up at half to seven in the morning. / jane usually gets up at six thirty. 11 susan climbs mountains with her friend twice a month. 苏珊每个月跟朋友去爬两次山。 词组释义 climb mountains 爬山 12 nike is very nice; he is always willing to help others. 尼克人很好,他总是很乐意帮助别人。 词组释义 be willing to 愿意,乐意,情愿 note ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________m.COMic5.cOM